Found (8) products in: "Expansion Valve"
General refrigeration and air conditioning system.
General refrigeration and air conditioning system.
General refrigeration and air conditioning system.
Application: Wide range of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.
Bi-Flow capability. (UKV, VKV, AKV)
Application: Wide range of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.
With internal check valve function.
External equalizer type
General refrigeration, water chillers, transport refrigeration, air to water, air conditioning systems, etc.
QCX: Internal equalizer type
RCX: External equalizer type
Refrigeration display case, commercial refrigerator, freezer, air conditioning, reefer, etc.
Series "22" thermostatic valves are designed to work with the interchangeable orifice assembly to ensure flexible choice of potential and may be used in a vast range of different applications.
2028 ON/OFF valves control liquid flow on the basis of the criterion of pulse width modulation or PWM. 9 interchangeable orifices are available.